The benefits of staff training and development.

By The Mediterm Team 10 Jul, 2019 0 Comments

We all know those colleagues or employees who moan day in and day out about their jobs. It’s part and parcel of the workplace isn’t it?! But what about those great team members, the ones who go above and beyond to do a great job? How are they rewarded?

Staff training and development is a great way of showing your team exactly how much they mean to you and how much you want to invest in them both financially and with their time. Under-appreciation of staff can be damaging to your business. A great team member is hard to find and even harder to keep if they’re not being treated in the right way.

Here at Mediterm, the UK’s largest provider of Medical Terminology Training, we see people every day who are being helped by their employers to further their careers. We see lots of people in many roles within the NHS who all want to take their Medical Terminology Training qualifications to the next level. We work with everyone from Receptionists and Medical Secretaries to Clinical Coders and Hospital General Managers.

Our three different course options allow your team to explore the possibilities and see where they want to take their career.

Lots of workplaces undertake our one day course which enables up to 20 people to be given basic Medical Terminology Training either in the workplace or at a location of your choice. It’s not just a great day of learning, it’s also a great morale booster and even team bonding day! Everyone in the same boat, all with the same goals at the end of the session.

To take it to the next level, lots of individuals then move on to our  Level Two course. This is a twelve week course run throughout the year with a qualification at the end of it dependent on exam results of course! 

The highest qualification in medical Terminology Training is our Level 3 course which is a 20 week course, again run throughout the year.

All courses are done online in a place of work or at home so each module can be completed in their own time.

So to reward your team and enable them to take their careers to the next level get in touch and decide which course works best for them.

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